Thursday, February 26, 2015

Low Desire or Unrealistic Expectation

After the chapters this week about FSD and HSDD, it makes me think about what is the standard of low?! Who decide whether a person having sexual desire only once a week is low while another having sexual desire once a day is normal? Who gets to decide what is "normal?"

"Our culture offers unprecedented anonymous access to sexual stimuli..." (Binik & Hall, 2014, p.48) aka in my words: pornography, almost every single nighttime TV shows or above PG-13 rating movies.

Once again, who say going to a bar and hooking up with a random hot guy/girl is normal desire.

I totally agree with Sarah's blog last week about Feminist and Pornography. Not only do I believe it degrades women, I believe it degrades sexuality as a whole. Pornography took away the values, the intimacy, the purity of sexuality, and minimalizes it to less than a TV show. Not only do I believe it gives an unrealistic expectation about body images, it forces an unrealistic expectation about sex overall. Sexuality, relationships, people... they all take works and efforts. Not in a bad way, but a rewarding way. No wonder people have difficulty with their sexual desires and interactions. It's much easier to be satisfied in front of a screen than putting the efforts to engage with people. It's much easier to look at the unrealistic TV shows or movies than to actually live our real lives. 

Now, is it really low desire? or is it just too difficult? is it actually arousal disorder? or is it simply too unrealistic of the expectations? 

Edit on 2/28/15.Watch this video of Russell Brand. It's AMAZING!!!! 

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