Tuesday, February 17, 2015


We talked a lot about media and how influence our thinking and our culture. One of those new popular thing they are trying to bring out in the media is that 'everyone is beautiful.' This article, Not Everyone is Beautiful,  brought up some really good points. Our world focus so much on appearances. To look a certain way, to behave a certain way, and even in our sexuality, to be sexy in certain way. Why do we keep letting the media define our beauty? Why do we keep letting the media or the culture to define our sexuality? Who is to say that we have to focus on outward beauty to feel better? and who is to say that we have to think having random hot, one night stand with the hot, sexy man/woman is the best sex in the world? If we truly believe in relativism and post-modernism, then why do we keep putting our sexuality, or even our identity in a box? If there is no absolute truth and people can believe whatever they want, then why do we letting our media or culture tell us that you have to have great sex in order to be happy? 

You can't have both! 

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